I have received your books and MS. and send, with my hearty thanks, a New York check for $30. It is a little more than your modest charge. You will pardon the liberty; I am not giving you anything like what the writing is worth to me, but trying to give a just compensation for the trouble of copying, simply.
My boy, ten years old, said brn.00007.002_large.jpg to me this morning, "Have you got a book with a poem in it called
'O Captain! My Captain!' I want to learn it to speak in school." I stared at him,
bearing you in mind at the moment, as if he were a mind-reader— and asked him
where he had heard of that poem. He said a boy had repeated it last year somewhere.
I made him happy by showing him the MS. and brn.00007.003_large.jpg promising him it should be his if
he deserved it, after I am gone.
With love and good wishes and hopes that the spring may bring healing on its wings to you
I am faithfully yours John HayCorrespondent:
John Hay (1838–1905) was
Abraham Lincoln's private secretary and a historian as well as Secretary of
State under Theodore Roosevelt. Hay praised Whitman's "A Death-Sonnet for
Custer" (later entitled "From Far Dakota's Cañons") when it appeared in the
New York Daily Tribune on July 10, 1876. Whitman sent the
1876 Centennial Edition of Leaves of Grass to Hay on
August 1, 1876 (Whitman's Commonplace Book, Charles E. Feinberg Collection of
the Papers of Walt Whitman, 1839–1919, Library of Congress, Washington,