I send herewith a copy I have procured of the new edition "Leaves of Grass." The price is $3.
In the office here every thing goes on much as before you left. Mr. Ashton has been home to vote, remaining away three days. He & Mrs. A. are well. He seems to be busy preparing for the ensuing term, Supreme Court. dar.00003.002.jpgMr. Stanbery is quite popular—he is a still, bland, old fellow,—is much at the President's—has left every thing in the office to go on as before.
Pleasants, Stitt, &c are well. Andy Kerr is off on leave of absence.1
All hands join in sending best esteem & love to you.
We have had an awful rain storm of five days, raining with hardly any intermission. The water is way up on the base-ball grounds & on 11th st from the dar.00003.003.jpg Canal most up to the avenue.
Tell Charley that I have not forgotten him—I send him my love, & hope we may meet again one these days.
To-day there has been quite a rush of Confederate Generals to the office—Gen. Beauregard, Gilmore, & three or four others, have had interviews with Mr. Stanbery.
Walt WhitmanCorrespondent:
James Speed (1812–1887), was appointed
attorney general by Abraham Lincoln in 1864. He continued to serve during Andrew
Johnson's presidency, but resigned in July 1866, due to his opposition to Johnson's
Reconstruction policies.