I found myself unable to prepare the statement you requested in season for the mail of last evening.
I find the number of persons, male and female, in the United States and the District of Columbia, respectively, between the ages of 5 and 20 (both inclusive) to be as follows:
The United States | males 7,253,306 |
females 7,238,851 | |
Total | 14,512,157 |
District of Columbia | males 20,000 |
females 23,637 | |
Total | 43,637 |
I would add a calculation as to the number of persons annually entering this class
(five to twenty) in the United States, but that my friend Mr. Elliott, chief
clerk of the Bureau of Statistics, who is much better qualified than myself for such computations, has promised to make the calculation and to furnish you the results. I have accordingly sent to him the data required.