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George Washington Whitman to Walt Whitman, 25 February 1863

Dear Walt

I have just written to Mother1 and although it is pretty late I will write you a word to let you know that I am flourishing as well as ever. Walt you see I aint got my furlough yet. We had no more than landed here, before Dix2 (who commands this Department you know) issued an order that no furloughs would be alowed except in case of sickness or in a case of life and death or something of that sort, so I dont know but they will jew me out of my chance after all. Gen Smith3 who is in command of our Army Corps, said the other day he would see Dix and try and get permission to give furloughs to our Corps, himself,  if he succeeds I will probaly get a chance to go anyhow I am going to make a big push for it.

I got a letter from you last night dated I think the 22d  write often Walt and let us know how things are with you. I went down to Fortress Monroe yesterday and got the $20 Jeff sent me.

If I dont get a chance to go home soon I shall have to get measured here, and send on to you, or Jeff, to get me a suit of clothes made but I rather think I will get home before a great while.

Walt we have a splendid camp here. I have a bran new tent and when I get it fixed up to suit me, it will just be gay I tell you. If I find out for certain, that I cant get home very soon you must come down here and see a feller, and if I do go home you must come as soon as I get back,  I shall have my tent fixed up Bully in a day or two,  we have had a grand revieu to day by Gen Dix  the whole Army Corps was out, and as there is splendid grounds here for that kind of work we made a first rate appearance and everything went off with great applause &c

Walt I am getting sleepy as it is almost 12 Oclock  so good night

G W Whitman


  • 1. See George Washington Whitman's letter to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman from February 25, 1863. [back]
  • 2. John Adams Dix (1798-1879). [back]
  • 3. Probably William Farrar Smith (1824-1903). [back]
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