Bristoe Station
Apl 29th
Dear Brother Walt.
I thought I would write you a word to say that I am perfectly well and hearty
We arrived here last night about dark, and are going to fall in, in a few minutes to move on towards Warrenton I believe. I hear that Grant has issued an order, that no letters will be allowed to be sent from this army for the next Sixty days. If that is the case Walt you must tell Mother not to feel the least bit worried if she does not hear from me in some time. I send this by Adjt McKee2 who is going to Washington for a day or two
I can tell you nothing about the army, more than you already know everyone seems to be in good spirits and hopefull. I sent my trunk from Annapolis to Washingt to our Sutler, who keeps a place in Washington his name is L. Kipps cor of F & 9th St Model House
G. W. Whit
- 1. Ordered to follow General
Meade's Army of the Potomac into Virginia, Burnside's Ninth Army Corps departed
from Annapolis on April 23, 1864. Upon reaching Washington, D.C., on April 25,
it passed in review before President Lincoln. As Captain Whitman marched through
Washington with his regiment, Walt Whitman walked beside him. According to
Walt's letter to his mother on April 26, 1864,
George became so preoccupied with seeing his brother again that he failed to
salute as the regiment passed the balcony occupied by Lincoln and Burnside.
After marching through the city, the Ninth Army proceeded into Virginia. It was
encamped at Fairfax Court House on April 28 and at Bristoe Station on April
- 2. Abraham W. McKee. [back]