George2 has
come home came this
morning he looks quite
thin and shows his prison
life but feels pretty well
considering what he suffered
he was very sick
at one time i think it was
in january with the lung
fever he was six weeks
in the hospital so bad
that the doctor thought he
would die this doctor i
think he calls his name
seems to have
taken A liking to him
and did what he could
for him he had no
medicine blistered him
and gave him mercury
he was dilirious and lay
in A stupor till the night
the fever turned he
says he felt A thrill
run through him and thought he was dying
he was in the dark he
cald to one of the nurses
to bring A light and to
raise him up and give
him A piece of paper
and pencil and he wrote
to me that was his last night
and what was due him
from the goverment and
told the man to blow
out the light and go to
bed and he said he shut
his eyes and never
expected to open them
again and went to
sleep and when he
awoke he was all in
a sweat and just at
daylight one of the
officials of the place
came very softly to take all
he had in his pockets
they thought he would
be dead he says he has
seen them before the poor
fellows is dead turn
their pockets inside out
and take all when the
doctor came in the morng
he says you are better
he said it was his constitution
that saved him
he lay on the flour
two or three days before
he went to the hospital
he had no drawers and
only A thin pair of flannel
trowsers and no shirt
part of the time they stole
his things it seems awful
to think of but he is got home
when they were captured they
dident give them any thing
to eat from friday morng
till sunday when he was
captured he had 100 dol they
searched him 3 times and
he saved his money he
cut A place in his neck
tie and put 50 d bill in and
put some in his tobacco and
some silver in his mouth
one next to him they took
600 dl from they took
all sam pooley s4
George says sam would
fared poorley if it
hadent been for him
he cooked what they
could get and george
provided he says that
beans kept them alive
they would get A quart
and cook them without
any thing he brought
home A piece of the corn
bread how they lived
on it i cant see they would
have nothing else for
six weeks at a time
i sent Georges letter5
yesterday as soon as i
got yours i had no
idea but what you
see Georges name
amongst the arrived
Georg says there was
20 yesterday died at
anapolus some died
eating they were he
says like hungry woolvs
had got so famished
i told him to day to not
think any more about
it he has pains in his
legs effects of the fever
is not home yet
and sis is not well yet7
she seems to have A kind
of fever write walt
when you get this
i feel better than i
have felt the rest is all
well i thought you
would like to hear something
about his prison life