i have got in the habit of writing to you every sunday so i thought i wouldent break through to day) i received your letter yesterday2 after looking all day for one i was glad to have the letter and glad to have the 2 dollars at noon i hadent one cent and i asked georgee3 to give me 50 cents and after looking for a considerable time he laid me down 50 cents well Walt i felt so bad and child like i cried because he dident give me more if i had got the 2 dollars a little sooner i should not have asked
i have got along very well
up to about 2 weeks ago and since that
time goerge has been moody and would hardly speak only when i
spoke to him well of course you will say mother put the worst constructions on it
well Walt i did not the first few days i thought perhaps something had gone wrong in
his business affairs but up to to day he has been so different from what he was ever
since i have been home4 but to day he is more like
himself Well Walt i thought of every thing sometimes i would think
maybee he is tired of having
me and Edd5 and then i would
think george is too noble a fellow
for that to be the cause and i knew
that i had not or he had not
been to more expence than if
he paid his board Jeffy6 told me
to have a talk with george and
ask him what made him so
but i dident like to i would ask
him if he wasent well and so on
but i doo hope it will go over
i acted just the same as if i did
not notice any change but i felt
awful bad and what has
made him act so god only knows
but i believe it runs in the
Whitman family to have such
spells any how i hope they
wont come often) Jeff is quite
sick to day he was sick nearly
all night vomiting and purging
he has eaten very heartily
lately he eat chicken and stuffing
for his supper and cranberry
pie before he went to bed and
i think that is one great cause
of his sickness he looks bad
but probably it will doo him
good to have a good clearing
out the rest is all well mat7
has had company 4 days this
past week and expects the
to day we had quite an
alarm not at this house
but the
recent parknesses9
A burglar broke in the basement
while the man and his wife lay
sleeping in the front basement when
she awoke he was lighting the big
lamp he had taken the mans
and 5 dollars and walked into
the back basement and came back
and kicked the window open
and walked out10 the lady mrs
jones11 came here the next morning very much
alarmed indeed there is very much house breaking and robbery going on in this city
there is hardly a night but there is a dance over the way and an awful fight the
other night) well Walt next sunday
when i write maybe it will be
more cheerful i wish walt
you will send me ten dolls
not all at one time but if you
can send me 5 at the next
writing my shoes is rather bad
for cold weather i have some mind
to not send this letter now i have
wrote it if you write any thing about
it put it in a separate peice
The signature appears in the bottom margin of the first page.
Louisa Van Velsor Whitman (1795–1873) married Walter Whitman, Sr., in 1816; together they had nine children, of whom Walt Whitman was the second. For more information on Louisa and her letters, see Wesley Raabe, "'walter dear': The Letters from Louisa Van Velsor Whitman to Her Son Walt" and Sherry Ceniza, "Whitman, Louisa Van Velsor (1795–1873)."