i2 have received your letter to day wensday i dident get it yesterday but it come all right to day with the 2 dollars)3 we have all lived through the 4th and the hot weather has been very exausting but the nights has been quite comfortable so we have all got along so far george4 hasent much to doo just now they have got down with the main as far as the entrance of the tunnel and the stones has to be got out before they can lay any more pipe so he goes down two or three times in the course of the day but not to work he is pretty well dont as yet have any erasyplis5 i hope he wont he dont favor himself any when there is work they have had considerable trouble with the first pipe that was laid before he commenced with their leaking mr Lane6 makes strait for george Jeff7 says george needent be uneasy about being discharged as long as lane is there)
we have got a jew family below at present they keep tobacco and segars he is a tailor works in new york they are from savannah they are very clever to me and clean talk duch all the time8 have got a nice little girl about hatties9 size the people up stairs is as clever as they can be but there is so many children that its a continual going up and down) but you know walt there must be something so we ll be thankfull its no worse) walt did you see harpers last sunday i dont know when i have had such a hearty laughf as i did to see Dr. chace giving the sick demecrat his medicine10 they seem to have a hard time to new york to day i suppos Dr chase will be trotted out i was in hopes there would not be any change in your place11 but we must take things as they come no more this time walter dear) my hand is letter lame12 that the letter is wrote quite bad give my love to mr an mrs oconor and litle Jinne13
good by walter dearThis letter dates to July 8, 1868. "July 8" is in Louisa Van Velsor's Whitman's hand, and Richard Maurice Bucke dated the letter 1868; Edwin Haviland Miller agreed (Walt Whitman, The Correspondence [New York: New York University Press, 1961–75], 2:366). The year is consistent with her reference to a Thomas Nast cartoon in Harper's Weekly. In addition, July 8 fell on a Wednesday in 1868, the day of the week that Louisa wrote this letter.
Louisa used a superscript "th" with some regularity, but the placement is not consistent. She appears here to have written a superscript both before and after the number "8," but neither mark is clear.
[back]See Thomas Nast, "Sickly Democrat," Harper's Weekly, July 11, 1868, 439. In Nast's cartoon, Salmon P. Chase (1808–1873), Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, is depicted as a physician who offers a sickly Democrat a medicinal draught that holds a stereotyped black figure as the "medicine," a reference to Chase's support for African American suffrage.
Louisa could refer to Harper's Weekly of "last" Sunday (July 11, 1868) in this July 8 letter because the weekly was post-dated by one week. Walt Whitman in his July 10–13, 1868 letter to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman reported receiving a letter, almost certainly this one, because he referred to the Copperhead Democratic ticket of Horatio Seymour and Montgomery Blair as "a bad dose of medicine" outside New York.
[back]Jean, usually "Jenny" but here "Jinne," and Ellen M. "Nelly" O'Connor had visited Louisa Van Velsor Whitman in Brooklyn earlier in the year (see Louisa Whitman's March 3, 1868 letter). Walt Whitman the previous month had reported his regular visits to the O'Connors, "up to the O'Connors as usual last evening to tea" (see his June 6–8, 1868 letter).
For a time Walt Whitman lived with William D. and Nelly O'Connor, who, with Charles Eldridge and later John Burroughs, were to be his close associates during the Washington years. William Douglas O'Connor (1832–1889) was the author of the pro-Whitman pamphlet "The Good Gray Poet" in 1866. Nelly O'Connor had a close personal relationship with Whitman, and the correspondence between Walt and Nelly is almost as voluminous as the poet's correspondence with William. Jenny was the O'Connors' daughter. For more on Whitman's relationship with the O'Connors, see "O'Connor, William Douglas (1832–1889)."