i2 suppose you
have arrived safe to your place
of business as i have not had any
news i conclude you are all
right i hope none of them
disagreable spels has attacked you well walter
we are all about the same as
when you left George dident
come the day you left3
he wrote to me friday 17th but
i dident get it till monday
20th saying he would not
be home till the 1 of the month
i kept the light burning all
night saturday night thinking
he would come late but when
i found he dident come i
dident feel uneasy for
i thought he couldent leave
i had a few lines from
Jeffy4 this week they seem to
be pretty well he said
he wished you would
write to him i have not
much to write about Walter
dear but i thought i had
so many envelopes i could
afford to use one of the
small ones i may not
write next week if i get
your letter all right
as i shall be pretty busy
i may if i have any thing
of importance to write i doo
hope you feel well walt
you must write about the new
old mrs turner next to where we used to live in this street died on the 205 is buried to morrow
Thomas Jefferson Whitman (1833–1890), known as "Jeff," was the son of Louisa Van Velsor Whitman and Walter Whitman, Sr., and Walt Whitman's favorite brother. In early adulthood he worked as a surveyor and topographical engineer. In the 1850s he began working for the Brooklyn Water Works, at which he remained employed through the Civil War. In 1867 Jeff became Superintendent of Water Works in St. Louis and became a nationally recognized name in civil engineering. For more on Jeff, see "Whitman, Thomas Jefferson (1833–1890)."
Martha Mitchell "Mattie" Whitman (1836–1873) was the wife of Thomas Jefferson "Jeff" Whitman, Walt Whitman's brother. She and Jeff had two daughters, Manahatta and Jessie Louisa. In 1868, Mattie and her daughters moved to St. Louis to join Jeff, who had moved there in 1867 to assume the position of Superintendent of Water Works. Mattie suffered a throat ailment that would lead to her death in February 1873. For more on Mattie, see Randall H. Waldron, ed., Mattie: The Letters of Martha Mitchell Whitman (New York: New York University Press, 1977), 1–26."