i2 write a few lines
to say i received your letter yesterday
and papers and the letter and graphic
on saturday the pictures in the graphic
is very good and very solem some of
but the hudson river horror4
is awful in the extreme it is enoughf to make
one shudder) i am better of my cold
but are quite lame it seems as if the pain
and lameness is all settled in my left knee
i can walk rather better this morning
but yesterday i was quite bad but i
think it will be better in a day or two
i have had a weakness in my right
hand and wrist you can see by my
writing it looks some like yours walt
when your thumb was so bad5 how
is your thumb joint is it better or dont
you think about it
george6 was home
last saturday stayed till monday
the weather was so cold he dident go
back till monday) we are looking for
this week or next i hope this will
find you well walter dear
O i must tell you i got a letter from Charley Heyde8 yesterday it certainly was the best i think he ever wrote he always when he writes to me begins with mrs whitman this was commenced with dear mother whitman he said han9 had two letters from walt and by what he said she was pretty well i thought to myself when i read his letter has charley heyde got relegion it was so different from his former letters10 probably the next will be the old stile good bie walter dear write to me as often as you can i have no reason to complain of you though
edd11 is quite good and helps me all he can
Walt Whitman's February 7?, 1871 letter to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman is not extant. Miller dated Walt's missing letter February 6?, 1871 (Walt Whitman, The Correspondence [New York: New York University Press, 1961–77], 2:362).
The Graphic: An Illustrated Weekly Newspaper, founded by William Luson Thomas (1830–1900), began publication in London in December 1869. Its high-quality illustrations and coverage of the Franco-Prussian War helped its circulation to rise rapidly, to around 50,000 subscribers by 1870 and up to 250,000 subscribers by 1874. See Laurel Brake and Marysa Demoor, ed., Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century Journalism (London: British Library, 2009). The steam crossing from Liverpool to New York took about 12 days in 1870, so Walt presumably forwarded a copy of The Graphic that dated to early or mid-January. The January 18 number has a full-page engraving of a dying French soldier in another's arms, Henry Woods's "The Last Message," which is paired with a poem of the same title by Walter Thornbury (36, 35). The January 7 number has a two-page engraving by Godefroy Durand with ten foreground figures of dying or deceased soldiers entitled "The Last Bivouac: The Crest of a Hill Between Champigny and Villiers, on the Night of December 5, 1870," which is also paired with a poem entitled "The Last Bivouac" by E. J. C. (10–11, 9).
[back]Martha Mitchell Whitman (1836–1873), known as "Mattie," was the wife of Thomas Jefferson "Jeff" Whitman, Walt Whitman's brother. She and Jeff had two daughters, Manahatta and Jessie Louisa. In 1868, Mattie and her daughters moved to St. Louis to join Jeff, who had moved there in 1867 to assume the position of Superintendent of Water Works. Mattie suffered long with a throat ailment that led to her death in 1873. For more on Mattie, see Randall H. Waldron, ed., Mattie: The Letters of Martha Mitchell Whitman (New York: New York University Press, 1977), 1–26.
The date that Mattie and her daughters arrived in spring 1871 is not known, but the visit was probably planned to coincide with the marriage of George Washington Whitman to Louisa Orr Haslam in March or April 1871.