My dear walt1
its another monday
morning and edd and me2
is alone george3 has gone to
brooklyn and Lou4 is going
to philadelph[damage] i wish you was
here with me to day we would
have some good strong tea
for dinner george has gone
to see about getting the brookly
and take out a small sum
of money from the bank for the man
to begin his house6 or Lou s as she
calls it) i should much like
to have somebody to talk with
i dont hear much but house and
money if they could build and
keep all the money in the bank
it would be good the man is
to build it very cheap george
thinks he will lose by it
i received your letter saturday
dear walt i am glad you
are improving although slowly
it is tedious to stay in so long
i know by experience7
i havent
been out except next door
in ten weeks this street has been
so full of ice and there is
quite a quantity of snow in
it yet but i shall try to go
out soon i have been better
of the rheumatism this winter
untill a week or so ago i got
quite lame in my knees so i
could hardly get down
stairs but i think i took cold
going out to the privy getting
my feet damp as the water
stands in the path nearly all the
time but every thing must
be kept so scientific here
i dont know sometimes how
it is i hope there will never
be any thing to annoy or
disturb the manager i think
sometims a person can be
to particular Lou aint so nice
about any thing but the appearance
of the house that seems to be her
hobby she has her girls come
to see her quite often girls she
used to work with they have
to all be up here sometimes
i dont feel like having them
but there is no where else
for them but in the kichen
we had five here yesterday
not all girls but 3 went away
but one girl and her beau staid
till 10 oclock)
well walt i beleive that will
doo for gossip) poor jeff8 i want
to write to him to day but
i hardly know what to write
to him i have the letter from
hattie9 poor little girls i want
to see them but i dont know
when i ever shall i dont
think it would doo to invite
them here to stay) i thought by
hattys letter maybey they dident
like their new home but your
letter says you think they are
satisfied hattie dident say they
was dissattisfied but she said
the last few weeks seemed like
a dream to her10
of course no
place can be like home to them
poor matt it seems as if i
can hardly realize she is
gone as her picture hangs here
and looks so much like
life it brings the tears to my
eyes but i seldom speak of
her i think walter dear you
and me felt the loss more
than any one else except
her family of cours Jeff feels
it more than any one else can
but time will asswage in some
measur if it wasent for that we
couldent live throug our troubles
you must write11 walter dea as often
as you can) will you have to
get some one to write for you
walter or will the work make no
difference dont worry walter dear
- 1. This letter dates to March
17, 1873. The letter bears no date in Louisa Van Velsor Whitman's hand, aside
from her statement that she wrote on Monday. Richard Maurice Bucke dated the
letter mid-March, and it is probably the letter that Edwin Haviland Miller dated
only to March 1873 (Walt Whitman, The Correspondence [New
York: New York University Press, 1961–77], 2:370). A more exact date can
be determined from numerous contextual clues. Louisa Van Velsor Whitman had
received Manahatta "Hattie" Whitman's March 9,
1873 letter and echoed some of its language in this letter to Walt
Whitman. She had also received Walt's March 13–14,
1873 letter). Mid-March 1873 is also consistent with Louisa Orr Haslam
Whitman's trip to Philadelphia, with George Washington Whitman's prospect of
Brooklyn work, and with his plan to start building a house on the lot at 431
Stevens Street. The only Monday that conforms to all of these contextual matters
is March 17, 1873. [back]
- 2. Louisa Van Velsor Whitman
(1795–1873) married Walter Whitman, Sr., in 1816; together they had nine
children, of whom Walt Whitman was the second. For more information on Louisa
and her letters, see Wesley Raabe, "'walter dear': The Letters from Louisa Van Velsor Whitman to Her Son
Walt" and Sherry Ceniza, "Whitman, Louisa Van Velsor (1795–1873)." [back]
- 3. George Washington Whitman
(1829–1901) was the sixth child of Louisa Van Velsor Whitman and Walter
Whitman, Sr., and ten years Walt Whitman's junior. George enlisted in the Union
Army in 1861 and remained on active duty until the end of the Civil War. He was
wounded in the First Battle of Fredericksburg (December 1862) and was taken
prisoner during the Battle of Poplar Grove (September 1864). After the war,
George returned to Brooklyn and began building houses on speculation, with a
partner named Smith and later a mason named French. George also took a position
as inspector of pipes in Brooklyn and Camden, and he married Louisa Orr Haslam
in spring 1871. For more information on George, see "Whitman, George Washington." [back]
- 4. Louisa Orr Haslam
(1842–1892), called "Lou" or "Loo," married George Washington Whitman in
spring 1871, and they were soon living at 322 Stevens Street in Camden, New
Jersey. At the insistence of George and his brother Thomas Jefferson "Jeff"
Whitman, Louisa Van Velsor Whitman and son Edward departed from Brooklyn to live
with George and Lou in the Stevens Street house in August 1872, with Walt
Whitman responsible for Edward's board. Her health in decline, Louisa Van Velsor
Whitman was displeased with the living arrangement and confided many
frustrations, often directed at Lou, in her letters to Walt. She never developed
the close companionship with Lou that she had with Jeff's wife Martha Mitchell
"Mattie" Whitman. [back]
- 5. A few days later Louisa Van
Velsor Whitman wrote that her son George Washington Whitman "aint like to get
the brookly [sic] work" (see Louisa's March 21, 1873 letter to Walt Whitman). However,
George again traveled to Brooklyn on March 24 for the "prospect of getting the
brooklyn work" (see Louisa's March 29, 1873 letter
to Walt). [back]
- 6. George Washington Whitman
was building a larger house on a corner lot at 431 Stevens Street in Camden, New
Jersey (see Jerome M. Loving, ed., "Introduction," Civil War Letters of George
Washington Whitman [Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press,
1975], 31). Louisa first reported George's purchase of the lot in her March 1, 1873 letter to Walt Whitman, and she
described George's plans for the house in her April 8,
1873 letter to Walt. [back]
- 7. After his paralytic stroke
in January 1873, Walt was confined to bed and then to his room for several
weeks. He reported that he was improving "very slowly indeed." See his March 13–14, 1873 letter to Louisa Van Velsor
Whitman. [back]
- 8. Thomas Jefferson Whitman
(1833–1890), known as "Jeff," was the son of Louisa Van Velsor Whitman and
Walter Whitman, Sr., and Walt Whitman's favorite brother. His wife Martha
Mitchell "Mattie" Whitman died on February 19, 1873, from complications
associated with a throat ailment. Jeff married Mattie in 1859, and Louisa Van
Velsor Whitman had shared their Brooklyn residence until Jeff departed in 1867
for St. Louis, where he became Superintendent of Water Works. He eventually
became a nationally recognized name in civil engineering. For more on Jeff, see
"Whitman, Thomas Jefferson (1833–1890)." [back]
- 9. See Manahatta "Hattie"
Whitman's (1860–1886) March 9, 1873 letter
to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman (Feinberg Collection, Library of Congress). Hattie
was the elder daughter of Thomas Jefferson "Jeff" Whitman and Martha Mitchell
"Mattie" Whitman. Hattie, who lived most of the first seven years of her life in
the same home with Louisa Whitman, was especially close to her grandmother.
Hattie and her younger sister Jessie Louisa (1863–1957) were both
favorites of their uncle Walt. [back]
- 10. Manahatta "Hattie" Whitman
had written, "It seemes like a dream for this past three weeks Grandma." See her
March 9, 1873 letter to Louisa Whitman
(Feinberg Collection, Library of Congress). [back]
- 11. The three words "you must
write" and the remainder of the postscript are inscribed, inverted, in the top
margin of the first page. [back]