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Walt Whitman to Samuel Van Wyck, 28 May 1879

My dear Sir

Yours of May 23d has reach'd me here—I am unable to give you any information on the genealogic points you speak of—wish I could—I have an idea there are town records or documents at Huntington, that are accessible, & that might throw light on the Van Wyck and Whitman families—I have seen such records alluded to, & printed extracts from them—where they are, or what office, in Huntington I think, or who keeps them, I can not say—Yes I was born at West Hills—my father Walter Whitman—I trace the Whitmans there four generations—my grandmother (father's mother) was Hannah Brush2

I am here on a visit—go back, last of next week, to Camden New Jersey, my regular p o address.

Walt Whitman


  • 1. This letter is addressed: Sam'l Van Wyck | 65 New York Avenue | Brooklyn | N Y. It is postmarked: New York | May 28 | 5 PM | 79. [back]
  • 2. See Gay Wilson Allen's The Solitary Singer: A Critical Biography of Walt Whitman (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1955), 595. [back]
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