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Walt Whitman to Andrew Rome and Thomas Rome, 15 March 1870

Andrew & Thom. Rome, Dear friends,1

I suppose the MS. of "Passage to India" came safe, last week—to be put in type as requested—with p. o. order for $10—I write now merely to ask you to read the proof carefully by copycorrect carefully—& then send me two proofs—put it through as soon as convenient.


I have a piece in next Galaxy2—about three or four sticks full—about Spring—I wish you would just copy it in your paper & send me 10 copies—


  • 1. The Romes were old Brooklyn friends. In their printing establishment Walt Whitman set up the first edition of Leaves of Grass. [back]
  • 2. "A Warble for Lilac-Time" appeared in the Galaxy, 9 (May 1870), 686. For images of the poem as it appeared in the Galaxy, see "Warble for Lilac-Time." [back]
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