Yours rec'd , & much pleas'd to hear you are in such satisfactory quarters—there is nothing very new or different with me—Though the rheumatism is not severe—any thing like its first attack—it still keeps its hold—my knees, & indeed whole joint & muscular power are affected—Was down at White Horse Monday & Tuesday, (two perfect days)2—& expect to be down there next Sunday—
—The Staffords are all about as usual—My sister & brother are well—I have rec'd Mr Linton's book "Poetry in America"—(it is a Vol: of Bohn's Standard Library)—It is a good collection—he gives my picture for frontispiece
Miss Hillard has returned from Annapolis, after a fine visit, improved still in health3—is at Germantown, at "the Cocoonery"—Nothing in the way of letter lately from England—
—I have written to Herby to-day, to Brooklyn4—As I write I am sitting up in my third story room,—just after 4 p m—my sister down stairs sewing—it is very quiet in the house, almost lonesome—my brother away far in Pennsylvania at his work—& no, or very few visitors lately—The weather is fine day & night, for a rule—I am now going out for an hour two—
Love to all— Walt WhitmanI return the letter—I found it interesting—