I came up last night from a three days visit to White Horse2—went down thinking only to spend the day, but the spring beauty of the creek, skies, weather, trees, birds &c. fascinated me—
I am feeling excellent well to-day, for me—have been out to a gay breakfast party (lawyers & ladies & lots of talk, & champagne)3—& enjoyed it very well—but once of such a thing will last me a long while—got home about one o'clock, (it has now just struck four)—consequence of my gay breakfast is, I have not eat any dinner—but shall go to Col. Johnston's to supper4—
Thanks to Herbert for his good letters of the 7th from Brooklyn—& the 16th from Northampton5—please give him the enclosed postal, I found at White Horse—May-be you will like to read Miss Hillard's letter—so I enclose it—The Staffords are mostly as usual—George S. not very well, but around at work—Debbie not married yet6—
You must have fine surroundings indeed at Round Hill—As I close we have the prospect of a fine evening—A cannon has just boomed out on the river, probably an ocean-steam just come in, firing her signal gun—& I am just off to Col. J's, & to leave this at the P O—
Best love to all— Walt Whitman