Well, Hank, here I am yet—I went up to Esopus & had a real good time nearly two weeks—rode out somewhere every day—Came back here a week ago Saturday—I am writing a little for one of the papers here1—that's one thing keeps me—another is I may as well stay here, if they wish me to, & I like them & they me, which is the case—
Summer is upon us—I have been out in Central Park all the forenoon—It is beautiful as money can make it (but I would rather be down by the old creek)2—I suppose Herb is stopping with you at the present—I send him a paper—tell him I saw his mother and Giddy at the theatre last night—
Dear son, how are you getting along—& how are your dear father and mother?—how does the store go? Rec'd your letter & was glad to get it—Shall stay here perhaps a week longer yet—On the other side is an acc't of a great wrestling match here last night3 I thought might interest you—best love to you & all—
Your old friend W W