I wrote you last Monday1 asking if you could send me any information in regard to George's getting his money in New York. I have not heard from you yet but hope to to-day. I [want you] now, if you possibly can get them to me by or before Tuesday morning next to send me those two shirts for George He wants them very much indeed Nothing that he can buy will make him half as comfortable. The thought just strikes me that perhaps you are using them yourself, if so all right, or if you want one and can send him one why do so. If you are not using them I think it would be a "big thing" for George to get them as they would be very useful both winter and summer. If you send them direct either to George or myself.2
We are all well. George is enjoying himself hugely and I shall feel sorry enough when he has to go back. All send love to you.
affectionately Jeff.Mother wrote you a letter asking you to send on the shirts but when I left home this morning I forgot it so I wrote this one. will send mothers letter this P. M.3