I intended to have written you yesterday but did not have an opportunity. Everything is going along all right with us except Andrew is real sick with his throat.1 He cannot talk at all and eats but with the greatest agony. He has had some doctor attending him that I think has treated him very badly. I am going to have him have an interview with Dr Ruggles2 this Eve, and hope he will be able to do something for him at once. Andrew, himself, seems to think that he is a gone case, but I cannot think as badly of him as that. I will write you again tomorrow what Ruggles says.
Mother received your last letter with the shin plasters all right, and in regard to your papers, Mss &c they are all carefully put up, everything, even the smallest scrap is packed up so you will certainly find everything that you left at home all right3
About George. We do not hear from him. He wrote mother that he would certainly write her again befor he left Newport News and as long as she did not hear from him she might be sure that he was there. I have an idea that the 51st were left behind, although it is hard to tell about it. I should write to George to-day if I knew that he was still down to Newport News.4 Walt I should like to have letters from you much oftener I am real worry to hear that the trouble in your head has again made its appearence. I can tell how you must feel for I am having something of the same kind myself but in a much milder form than you are. Dr Ruggles has been quite sick with the same thing but has recovered. Indeed almost everyone that I know has had a bad time with cold &c in the head. I hope dear Walt that you will speedily recover. Mother is as well as usual Mattie is also quite well. We have not heard from Han for some little time. I suppose that she is about the same and I fear that she will be a long time in getting well.5 Hattie is as well and interesting as usual. Yesterday she had an immensely bad fall on the back part of her head. She was sitting in the chair at the sewing machine and reached over to get a small piece of stuff to stitch, leaned too far and fell striking the back part of her head pretty hard against the frame of the Extension table leaves We bathed her head for a long time with cold water and this morning although the swelling was not all gone she appeared abt as well as usual. I was much frightened though at first I can tell you.
Walt do you ever have a chance to get hold of any of the scientific reports that Uncle Sam prints. Would it be possible for you to obtain a copy of the Pacific R. R. Exploration &c Reports.6 I should like much to get hold of anything in that line, and would be much obliged to you if you could get them for me. I find them of great use in giving me ideas about my business and they are too cursed costly to buy Look around you and if you catch anything send it along will you
I will write you again to-morrow
Yours Affectionately, Jeff