Yours duly received1 I have had so many things to attend to lately that I have not been able to get time to answer and can only do so now so that you may know that I hav'nt forgotten you
We are still at work getting out specifications for the settling Reservoirs2—a job of about $700 000—and of course we feel mighty anxious to cover all points so that we wont be upset by any sharp practice
On the street to-day I saw a very interesting yet somewhat painful sight—twas that of a family moving in from the plains—An old woman—I shoud judge all of eighty—another woman of about 35—a young man and his wife abt 25 a boy of 12 two children 8 and 6 and a little babe—all but the young man and his wife were in the wagon drawn by 4 oxen—the wagon covered with dirty white canvass—The boy had leading with a rope a fine old cow—a young cow and calf were alongside—under the wagon was a large white dog and inside by the old woman was a small black terrier—They had met with an accident in the way of b[r]eaking one of the hind wheels and were therefore hard up—The faces of all were a study—but particularly of the young man and his wife—neither of them was at all handsome but yet I shall remember their faces for a long time—The old woman had that peculiar look of crazy stupidity that you can hardly tell whether they are really stupid or thinking of by-gone life The talk of the crowd was that they had been driven in by the Indians—but I doubt that part of the story—
There is a report in town to-day that some of the "bloody injuns" were stealing cows &c just outside town—about where we propose to set our pumping engines—Of course I suppose its all humbug—but yet cannot see what such a detailed statement as is in the paper this morning is printed for—3
I had a letter from Mother a few days ago—she appears to be getting along middling well yet I wish she could get a better place to live—4
From a letter received from Mat to-day she is having a first rate time yet—I wish you would write her—address care of G. F. Mason,5 Towanda, Give my regards to Mr & Mrs O'Conner6 and friends that I met in Washington—
I hope you may be able to carry out your idea and come out to see us—
good by for the present write me as often as you can