Enclosed I send you draft on New York no. 5104, for five hundred and ten dollars1—the ten you will please give to Mother as a present from Mattie
We are getting along abt the same as usual. Mat still has a bad cough—yet I hardly think it as bad as it was a few weeks ago. I should'nt wonder if she and Jessie made you a visit in the course of a month or so2 The doctor told Mat yesterday that he thought a visit east would do her cough more good than anything else—and if that is the case I am anxious that she should go. Tell Mammy not to commence to worry about it yet though for perhaps she may not be afflicted.
How are you getting along with your new house3—well I hope Is there much building in B[rooklyn] this year—in St. Louis there are more houses going up this year than ever before—some 2500 dwelling houses are reported in process of construction.
What is the news about the water works office—I find every body there as tight as a bottle in the way of writing I suppose they must take their cue from Mr Lane4—I wish you would drop me a line telling me what news there is—did you go to Phillipsburgh5—and if so what did you see
I see by the papers that you have had some pretty bad rain storms in Brooklyn—we have lately had two storms that has put us back on the work very much indeed—the contractors were not prepared for them and so were damaged a good deal We have had a pretty severe storm this morning—but nothing like the others.
I understand you were down to Woods at Florence6 did you see our 36" pipe and if so what did you think of them—
Do you think you will continue to live in Atlantic street this winter—or do you think you will "move" as mother has been talking about for the last year or two—and by the way when do you expect Walt home—
How are political matters about Brooklyn—Seymour7 I suppose will be ahead just in and about New York City but will he carry the state do you think—The only thing that will save this state to Grant—if it is saved—will be the "iron clad oath"8 The rebs are, I judge, in the majority here—but they dont allow many of them to register and when they do do it they have to do some pretty tall swearing. I took the oath 'tother day—as I want to vote for Grant—all the other questions though I think I shall leave out9 Write me and tell me all the news in and about Brooklyn—Love to Mother and all—
affec Thos. J Whitman