Yours of Nov: 28 rec'd.1 My satisfaction with your proposed German trans[lation] increases the more you unfold it, and I think of it.2 What you say against the two texts is sound, & I am content (retracting former suggestion) that it should be in the usual form, in German only. Want it by all means to be Complete. In the whole matter I freely trust to your intuitions and 'cuteness as to meanings, my dear friend—you have so long been a reader and lover of the book—& I fully empower you to go on & go your own way. I like of course what you say of getting the carefullest, technical, grammatical (and ? idiomatic) German assistance and collaboration as you go along.
I have received a good letter from Mr Lee3 about the Russian translation, & have written him in answer.
I keep well for me, & shall remain here for the winter.
I suppose you recd a note from me weeks since acknowledging the Encheiredion.4 My letter to Mr Lee was also as a preface to the Russian translation. Should that be fulfilled I will prepare & send you something of the same sort for the German Volume—I think so much of the internationality element (sentiment) which I have intended as one of the leading fibres of my book—