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Thayer & Eldridge to Walt Whitman, 9 March 1860

 loc.00564.001.jpg Walt Whitman

Dr Sir.

Yours of Thursday morning rec'd this A.M.~

Your suggestions are pertinent to the business under consideration, all of which are most amply satisfactory. Your letter is such a capital one, that it has intensified our1 disappointment that our Mr. Thayer was not able to see you last Saturday or Sunday. Business obliged him to return to Boston from the West, but he will leave here for New York Sunday night & will put up either at the Astor, Lovejoys or the hotel Corner Nassau & Beekman Streets. If he does not see you in the morning at above places, he will call at your house in the afternoon say at 3 o'clock.

Our Mr. Eldridge will reply to your letter at length tomorrow afternoon mail. —Our thanks for your most excellent and practical letter.

Your Friends Thayer & Eldridge


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