. . . Since coming here I1 have often thought of what you told me when I said to you I am certain I will come back to Washington. you said to me then that a gret many of the boys had said the same but none had returned. I am sorry it is so but after I had thought it over I concluded it would be better for me to go into some business that would be a periminent thing.
- 1. Elijah Douglass Fox was a
Union soldier in the Third Infantry Wisconsin. At the time of his enlistment in
May 1861, he resided in Buena Vista, Wisconsin. According to the "Notebook:
September–October, 1863" (Charles E. Feinberg Collection), Fox was brought
to Armory Square Hospital on September 26, 1863; it was here where he met Walt
Whitman. He was discharged from the Union army on November 10, 1863, due to
disability. [back]