Could you give me a little further information about my brother Capt. George W. Whitman, 51st New York, who gave you the slip you sent from Annapolis Feb. 19, with his & mother's address, Feb. 14th? Why did not he, & the other officers, 51st N. Y., come up with the main body, for exchange? Were the other officers 51st there at Danville, time you left? Please tell me all you know, or think probable, on this subject of why they did not come? Have they been sent further south, to avoid exchanging them, or are they still at Danville? Was my brother really well & hearty? Was Lieut. Sam'l Pooley, 51st N. Y., there, & how was he? Do you know whether my brother got letters & boxes we sent him? Was he in the attempt to escape, Dec. 10, last? My dear sir, if you could take a leisure half hour & write me, soon as possible, what you know on these, or any points relating to my brother, it would deeply oblige me—address1—
Walt WhitmanWashington D C