I1 trust you will pardon the liberty I have taken to trouble you with a matter of no personal interest to yourself. My excuse for writing to you is, that it is a matter of the utmost importance to a client of mine. The Deed executed to Lazarus Wineburgh in 1854 does not express the consideration money. Wineburgh has recently effected a sale of the propery conveyed by that Deed; but objection is made to the title on the grounds of such omission.
I have drawn another Deed which I send together with the old one. Will you be so kind as to execute this new Deed before a Commissioner of Deeds for the loc.00848.002.jpgState of New York; and Mr Wineburgh will be under the greatest obligation to you.
As the execution of this deed and its speedy return is of great importance to Wineburgh, I respectfully request that you execute it at your earliest convenience.
If you will inform us what your charges and disbursements are we will remit by return of mail, or will arrange the matter on your return to this city.
Yours most respectfully, Fred'k. Baker, 15 Nassau St. N.Y.