I1 design bearly to say How do you do, while you are in Boston, & to express my own pleasure at hearing that your "Leaves of Grass," in its next issue, is to eminate from that City. It will hereafter be read in your day. Every N.E. yankee factory girl will read and re-read it from an unconquerable passion, for to every N.E. mind its unfathomable inspirations willst be "New every morning loc.00863.002.jpg and fresh every evening." I know what is your mental fare in Boston from my own past personal experience and without wishing to intrude myself above my true level I could wish I were, at least, a stander-by.
How shall I rise to life (action), is, now, my all pressing & all urgent question. Let me have a line in regard to your experience in it, if convenient.
Accept my affectionate regards. O. K. Sammis To Walt Whitman.