Sir I rec'd a letter from Mr William of Bascom 242 F Street stating that our testimony did not agree with the company rolls in regard to my son Henry F Doore's death, he and Clarence F belonged to the 31 Maine Co. H. J. S. Harlow was their Capt. he was mortally wounded the 30th of Sept. 1864 the same day that Henry was there were only thirteen of that company that went into the charge only five came out. I don't know as there was any officer higher than a corporal left that was then with them, they had four days fighting which ended the third day of loc.00868.002.jpgOct. Henry was reported missing in action the 4 of Oct. I suppose the list was made up the 4 of Oct. they either made a mistake or else did not know exactly about it. Clarence was the only one that saw him after he was wounded the rebs nearly surrounded them they were scattered and running for their lives. Henry was mortally wounded. Clarence stopped with him a minute or two the rebs were so near he had to leave him. I am very sure that there has been a record of him at the Adjutant General's office that would agree better with ours will you take the trouble to go there and ascertain what you can about it, and tell Mr. Bascom. I thought that would be evidence enough, perhaps better than I could get here, there is one private that I suppose knows Clarence came back without him the 30th of Sept. but I think he is now about 30 or 40 miles off the traveling very bad now
I shall have to take an other piece of paper I thought I should write only a few lines and that would be enough. I need the pension money very much. Clarence's health is very poor has not been able to study much nor attend to any kind of business. Mr. Bascom desired me to return his letter with the evidence required if you find sufficient evidence (please ask Mr. Bascom if he wants me to send his letter back) if you will take the trouble to assist me about this matter I shall be very much obliged.
very respectfully yours in haste Charlotte St. Clairmy best wishes to you and Mrs. O'Connor
I will send this directed to Mrs O'Connor as I don't know exactly how to direct to you please write as soon as you find out what you can.1 I thought perhaps I could write to you and get an answer before I could get the evidence required here. Mr Abbot offered to assist me if necessary if he is there perhaps he can use his influence in my favour. he gave me a free pass home and appeared very friendly I don't think it strange that that mistake was made as the company was in such a condition I will close again it is about midnight so good night
haven't forgotten the many favours I have already rec'd from you
Clarence has'nt got quite over his fall but is so that he goes about some the rest of us are as well as usual