The undersigned1 though a comparative stranger to you feels himself drawn toward you closer and closer after perusing your "Leaves of Grass." We have a sympathy in common with you. in some of these well wrought passages the experiences taught there has been one to some extent.
While doing garrison duty with my regiment the 2nd New York Arty on the works South of the Potomac I visited Washington in company with a comrade named Charles String of Connecticut and by him introduced to you at your studio. (I forget the street) but it was not far removed from the avenue. if I mistake not, you accompanied us to the theatre at night. I have never forgotten you since, remembering you as a friend to the Union and the "boys" striving to keep it together. I left the regiment in the trenches in front of Petersburgh, my term of Service having expired, after three years Service from Oct 1861. on arriving at Washington I tried to find you but could not. when you first met me, on leaving you you gave me a small book of poems with your name in it, bidding me think of you. I stowed it away in my knapsack but loosing that I lost your gift. I would like a duplicate, if it is not presuming too much. I trust you will not think me forward in this. With many and kind regards