Providence. R.I.
July 24 1864. Sunday.
Dear Walt,
I was at the Boat at 2 Wednesday afternoon and we sailed at 5.1 I
to see you, but feared you would not be able to go over. I was all the more sorry
to see you, and I inferred from it that you were too unwell to come over. Mr. Conway, Martin, F.2 went to the boat with me & remained an hour or so. Mr. Howells3 having business here, made his arrangements
loc.00945.002.jpgto come that evening, so I had company, but I had
for a good long talk with
& hoped that you would be able to go over to the boat.
How are you now, dear Walt?
I long to hear from you. William & Charlie4 had each had two letters from you, &
I not a word,
don't you know that I shall be jealous? and now this is my
epistle to you, so I shall claim a word from you
you are able to write.
loc.00945.003.jpgMy sister & Dr. Channing5 both ask for you with the greatest interest, & Jeannie6, Mrs. C. says she should have written you
at once
and asked you there when I first wrote her that you were ill, if she had not been sick herself.
Should you write me, direct to me
Care of Dr. Wm. F. Channing. Providence. R.I.
I am still in pursuit of a place at the sea - shall, & hope to find one, for I need the sea.
to hear from you, dear Walt, & I hope you are gaining all the time, are you?
With love -
- 1. For a time Whitman lived
with William D. and Ellen M. "Nelly" O'Connor, who, with Charles W. Eldridge and
later John Burroughs, were to be his close associates during the early
Washington years. William D. O'Connor (1832–1889) was the author of Harrington, an abolition novel published by Thayer &
Eldridge in 1860. Ellen "Nelly" O'Connor, William's wife, had a close personal
relationship with Whitman. In 1872 Whitman would walk out on a debate with
William over the Fifteenth Amendment, which Whitman opposed and O'Connor
supported. Ellen defended Whitman's opinion, and in response William established
a separate residence. The correspondence between Whitman and Ellen is almost as
voluminous as the poet's correspondence with William. For more on Whitman's
relationship with the O'Connors see O'Connor, William Douglas (1832–1889). [back]
- 2. Martin F. Conway was the
first U.S. Congressman, a Republican, from Kansas. He had served as a vocal
opponent to slavery—and even spent January 1, 1863, the day the
Emancipation Proclamation went into effect, in Massachusetts with Ralph Waldo
Emerson, William Lloyd Garrison, Wendell Phillips, and Julia Ward Howe. That
same month, he introduced a resolution before Congress calling for recognition
of the Confederacy, so that war with the South might be fought as a war between
nations. [back]
- 3. Charles Joseph Howells,
according to entries in New York Directories, must have been versatile (and
perhaps eccentric): in 1864–1865 he was an "inventor," in 1865–1866
an inspector in the Custom House, in 1866–1867 simply an "inspector," and
in 1867–1868 a seller of hairpins. [back]
- 4. "William & Charlie"
probably refer to William Douglas O'Connor and Charles Eldridge, both of whom
received at least two letters from Whitman in late June and early July. Charles
W. Eldridge was one half of the Boston based abolitionist publishing firm Thayer
and Eldridge, who put out the 1860 edition of Leaves of
Grass. In December 1862, on his way to find his injured brother George
in Fredericksburg, Virginia, Whitman stopped in Washington and encountered
Eldridge, who had become a clerk in the office of the army paymaster and
eventually obtained a desk for Whitman in the office of Major Lyman Hapgood, the
army paymaster. For more on Whitman's relationship with Thayer and Eldridge, see David Breckenridge Donald,
"Thayer, William Wilde (1829–1896) and Charles W. Eldridge
(1837–1903)," Walt Whitman: An Encyclopedia, ed. J.R. LeMaster and Donald D. Kummings (New York: Garland Publishing, 1998). This publishing duo could also be the "William
& Charlie" Ellen mentions, but there are no extant letters from Whitman to
Thayer from this period. [back]
- 5. William F. Channing
(1820–1901), son of William Ellery Channing, and also Ellen O'Connor's
brother-in-law, was by training a doctor, but devoted most of his life to
scientific experiments. With Moses G. Farmer, he perfected the first fire-alarm
system. He was the author of Notes on the Medical Applications
of Electricity (Boston: Daniel Davis, Jr., and Joseph M. Wightman,
1849). Ellen O'Connor visited him frequently in Providence, Rhode Island, and
Whitman stayed at his home in October, 1868. [back]
- 6. Ellen O'Connor probably
refers here to Jean O'Connor, William and Ellen's daughter. [back]