Wont you write soon as you get this I want to know how Mother2 is, & what you think about George.3 dont you think he will be exchanged soon.
do they fare hard do you think. you must know more than I do about it. can we hear can he write from there Major Wright4 writes from Petersburg. Oct 2. makes me think perhaps brother George has written or can write
Write to me will you Walt I always feel better loc_tb.00717.jpgto hear from home. I shall be anxious till you
write I sent this morning to the P.O. I thought I should hear. — I have been
afraid ever since that battle but I had a hope he was safe, because he always had
What will we do if we cant hear from him.
I was glad the paper spoke of his being well
I hope we will hear from him soon. you must certainly send it to me too if you get a line from him.
I wish Walt I could see dear Mother and you all I hope Mother is well.
I want you to write Walt perhaps you will tell me prisoners of war are not badly used.
one cant judge by the papers I see George is the only Capt name mentioned. is sick, a farmer
thats wounded, the one that Mother speaks of in her letters. I mean is he a friend
loc_tb.00718.jpgof brother George's.
— I do hope we will hear from George, I wish Mother would write s its very long
since she has written. I hope she is well of rheumatism. Write soon Walt. I try to not
be anxious about Georg but I am
tell Mother I am better and want to come home and see you all more than ever, give my love to all
I hope Eddy5 is better
Hannah Louisa Whitman Heyde
(1823–1908) was the fourth child of Walter and Louisa Whitman and Walt
Whitman's youngest sister. Hannah was named for her paternal grandmother, Hannah
Brush Whitman (1753–1834), and her mother, Louisa Van Velsor Whitman
(1795–1873). Although Walt Whitman had a close relationship with his
younger brother Jeff Whitman, Hannah was his favorite, most beloved sibling.
Until she married, Hannah lived at home with her parents and her brothers.
Educated at the Hempstead Academy, Hannah taught school in rural Long Island. On
March 23, 1852, Hannah married Charles Louis Heyde (ca. 1820–1892), a
landscape painter. It is possible that Walt introduced Hannah to Charles. In
August 1852 the Heydes departed for Vermont. The first decade of their marriage
was marked by constant moving from boarding houses to hotels, mostly in rural
Vermont, as Heyde sought out vantage points for his landscape paintings. In 1864
the Heydes settled in Burlington, purchasing a house on Pearl Street. After
Hannah's marriage and relocation to Vermont, Mother Whitman became Hannah's
faithful correspondent; Walt also kept in touch, sending letters and editions of
Leaves of Grass after publication. Hannah faced
several health crises during her marriage, partly due to the ongoing trauma of
emotional, verbal, and physical intimate partner violence that she experienced.
In the 1880s and 1890s Heyde increasingly had difficulty earning enough to cover
household expenses; in addition, he may have become an alcoholic. He repeatedly
asked Whitman for funds to cover their expenses. Whitman sent both Heyde and
Hannah small amounts of money. After Heyde died in 1892, Hannah remained in
Burlington, living in their house on Pearl Street until her death in 1908. For
more information, see Paula K. Garrett, "Whitman (Heyde), Hannah Louisa (d. 1908)," Walt
Whitman: An Encyclopedia, ed. J.R. LeMaster and Donald D. Kummings (New
York: Garland Publishing, 1998).