431 Stevens Street
Camden New Jersey1
Feb: 21
Dear friend
Yours of 20th, with enclosure, came safely2—Best
thanks—Yours of four days previous also, telling me of Smith3 and family's removal—which quite put me out
too—Nothing very new with me, since my return—I have not written out for
print any notes of my jaunt yet—I am well, considering—
—Addington Symonds has sent me a copy of the American edition of his "Greek Poets"4—Ruskin has sent to me
loc.01135.002_large.jpg five sets of my books5—Does Mrs Gilchrist write to you?6 They are well—are all in London, except Beatrice,
who is in Switzerland—As I write (near noon Saturday) it is snowing heavily
here—Dr Bucke, of London, Canada is writing my
life—I suppose he has sent you his printed circular, asking information
&c. What do you think of the project?7—
Walt Whitman
rec'd a letter from Mrs Ritter—She speaks of a musical composition of
her husband, to go with my "Two Veterans"—& asks if I am willing it
should be published—I answered expressing my consent8
- 1. Thhis letter is addressed:
John Burroughs | Esopus-on-Hudson | Ulster Co: | New York. It is postmarked:
Camden | Feb | 21 | N.J. [back]
- 2. Whitman received a check
for $25 from Burroughs on February 20 (Whitman's Commonplace Book, Charles
E. Feinberg Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman, 1839–1919, Library
of Congress, Washington, D.C.). [back]
- 3. Smith Caswell,
Burroughs's hired hand. See the letter from Whitman to John Burroughs of December 12, 1878. [back]
- 4. Studies
of the Greek Poets was published in a two-volume edition in
1879–1880 in Boston. [back]
- 5. On February 16, 1880,
Whitman received from Ruskin £10 for five sets of books through Herbert J.
Bathgate, to whom the books were sent on February 19 (Whitman's Commonplace
Book, Charles E. Feinberg Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman,
1839–1919, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.). In a letter on January 31, Bathgate quoted a recent communication
from Ruskin: "The reason neither he (yourself) nor Emerson are read in England
is first—that they are deadly true—in the sense of
rifles—against all our deadliest sins. The second that this truth is
asserted with an especial colour of American egotism which good English scholars
cannot, and bad ones will not endure. This is the particular poison and tare by
which the Devil has rendered their fruit ungatherable but by gleaning and loving
hands, or the blessed ones of the poor." The first sentence of this letter was
quoted in The Athenaeum on March 20, 1880. See also the
letter from Whitman to William Harrison Riley of March
18, 1879. [back]
- 6. In her letter on January 25, 1880, Anne Gilchrist added this
postscript: "Please give my love to John Burroughs when you write or see him"
(The Letters of Anne Gilchrist and Walt Whitman, ed.
Thomas B. Harned [New York: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1918], 192). Beatrice
Gilchrist was studying medicine in Switzerland. [back]
- 7. On January 19, Dr. Richard Maurice Bucke asked Whitman
for "a sketch of your interior life—especially in relation to the
conception and elaboration of 'Leaves of Grass.'" On February 3 he acknowledged receipt of articles about the poet by
O'Connor, Burroughs, and Gilchrist, and again requested more "inward and
outward" facts about the poet's life. On February
6 Bucke noted his recent lectures on Whitman's poetry and his
arrangements for the sale of his works, a subject to which he again referred in
letters on March 18 and March 23. In his "circular" soliciting information about the poet,
Bucke wrote: "I am myself fully satisfied that WALT WHITMAN is one of the
greatest men, if not the very greatest man, that the world has so far produced"
(The Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature,
New York Public Library). [back]
- 8. Frédéric Louis
Ritter, composer and professor at Vassar College (see the letter from Whitman to
John Burroughs of February 21, 1880) composed a
setting for "Dirge for Two Veterans." Kenneth P. Neilson, in The World of Walt Whitman Music: A Bibliographical Study (1963), lists
only one work by Ritter. [back]