I am greatly
surprised at the course
Worthington has taken. He
is a rascal & should be
punished. I see no course
to take but to commence
proceedings against him
at once. If you desire it
I will see a lawyer & have
the necessary papers drawn
up. It would be better
to sue him in Camden
& bring him there. I dare
say that if a summary
were served upon him he
would be brought to his senses
I don't know whether he could
be proceeded against criminally.
Why not ask your friend in
Camden who defended Hunter,
I forget his name. Or write
to Ashton & get his opinion
on the whole matter. Either
of them will no doubt gladly
give you their opinion free.
If I ask a lawyer here I
should expect to fee him.
I will undertake to raise
some money to put the
matter through & will put
down $50 myself. I think
I could raise some in
Boston, through J.T. Fields.
I do not want to go to Worthington
& ask for an explanation, or
have any one else go, I want
to slap a summary upon
him at once. I can have
the complaint made out for
you to swear to & sign, & then
when he puts in his answer we
can see what defense he sets
up. In the meantime while
suit is pending an injunction
can be served upon Worthington
on stopping him from printing
& selling the book. That could
be done in a few days.
An order would have to be
obtained of the court
in N.Y. compelling him to stop
or show cause why he should
not be stopped.
Write me explicitly what you would have me do & I will do it. Don't be afraid of the trouble in the cost of legal proceedings, your friends will see to that. If you do not want to write to Ashton or contact a lawyer in Camden, then I will do it here.
Faithfully Yours John BurroughsP.S. I saw a lot of those books at Legget Brothers Bookstore last summer or spring & I was told either there or at Worthington's that they were some of the Thayer & Eldridge stock bound up. I forgot who told me.