With your letter came one from O'Connor bursting with wrath; I think I will enclose
it to you. No doubt he will be a host there in W. & will reach that
miserable Dist. Attny. yet. Tis a pity Osgood has not got some pluck & so make a fight. No
doubt we could beat them to tatters, & make a big strike for the book Write
& ask him if he will
fight if he is well backed up. It is the last thing I ever
dreamed of. If this is the wish of Boston then I pray for her purification by a fire ten times bigger than the
fire of a few years ago.
I enclose my ck. for the amt. you ask for, $100.
What a blank there in New England! To me Emerson filled nearly the whole horizon in
that direction. But I suppose it is better so, tho' the very sunlight seems
darkened. I should have gone to his funeral had I not had so much to do before
sailing for England.
I wrote a page on him for the Critic, yesterday, tho' I may be
too late.
If our passage was not paid to England, I should not go. I am ashamed to go off at such a time. I have had no heart for the trip from the first, & now the death of Emerson (how those few words penetrate me!) & your troubles, make me want to stay at home more than ever.
If you have Mrs Gilchrist's address send it me; also that of Mr. Carpenter.
I have written an essay on Carlyle which I think goes to the heart of him more than
loc.01140.006_large.jpg anything I
have seen. I spoke to your North American Review man about it on
Friday, but he did not bite; said it was not in his line, &c. I shall probably
offer it in London.
If you do not hear from me again anything addressed to me care Henderson Brothers Glasgow, 49 & 51 Union Street will be forwarded to me. We land at Glasgow & shall stay there a few days.
Ever your friend John Burroughs