Feb: 9 p m
Too bad—too vexatious—Wednesday forenoon was so dismal &
slippery—& I not at all well—(am having some bad spells
lately)—thought you would on not finding me at McKay's come right over here,
as it is only 20 minutes to get here, & the cars pass my door—look'd for
you all the afternoon—the sorest pinch is I feel now it
is all my bungling fault.2
—Nothing very new to write about—McKay and Dr Bucke are in treaty
about the Dr's book, with the probability of Mc publishing it3—
To-day, afternoon feels like a precursor of spring so fresh & sunny—I am
not busy at any thing particular—(Seem to be like a skipper who has come into
port at last & discharged cargo—& don't know what next.) Who did you
see in New York? And exactly how are you? Write soon—& freely
Yours as always
Walt Whitman4
- 1. This letter is addressed:
John Burroughs | Esopus-on-Hudson | New York. It is postmarked: Camden | Feb | 9
| 4 PM | N.J. [back]
- 2. Burroughs was in
Philadelphia on Wednesday, February 7 (Whitman's Commonplace Book, Charles E.
Feinberg Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman, 1839–1919, Library of
Congress, Washington, D.C.). [back]
- 3. Whitman noted on January
31 that McKay sent over Richard Maurice Bucke's manuscript of his biography. On
February 8 the poet returned to Bucke "$200 borrowed last fall" (Whitman's
Commonplace Book). [back]
- 4. On the back of the envelope
for this letter, the following is written in pencil (probably in the hand of
John Burroughs): "And down it came in drops—the smallest fit | To drown a
bee in fox-glove bell concealed | Hartley Coleridge." [back]