Drop me a line where & how you are, & what your plans are for the fall.
We are just back from Roxbury where we went in July. We are all pretty well. I rec'd
Dr Buckes book & thank you for it. I had already purchased & read it. I
cannot say that I care loc.01147.002_large.jpg much for what Dr Bucke has to say; he gives me no new hint or idea. Wm O'Connors letter is a treat, with a little too much seasoning. If Wm would only practice a little more self-denial, he would be much more
effective. He could write so that his critics could not
laugh at him.
The review of the book in the Tribune, was
by a woman—a Miss H—(I forget her name) regularly loc.01147.003_large.jpg employed upon the paper. The
latter part of June Gilder & I went to Concord & spent a couple of days there,
called on Mrs Emerson, liked her much, supped & breakfasted with Sanborn & had
a pleasant time. Young Dr Emerson, seems a worthy son of his father. I liked him much.
If we ever get another girl in this house & the kitchen machinery running
smoothly again, I shall come for you & take no denial. I think it would loc.01147.004_large.jpg lengthen my days
to see you once more.