I rec'd your kind letter of June 25th—you say:
"I hope you rec'd the a/c of your doings & saying at Alfred Tennyson's son's wedding, which I sent you some time ago."
No, I did not receive any such acc't , & I cannot tell what you mean, or what occurr'd—If convenient tell me—
Ab't the London Times' comments on Mr Bryant's death (American poetry, with something about me, as I understand) I wish you had sent it me—as I have not seen or heard of it2—I live very quietly here—am at present pretty well, considering, go about daily. Keep cheery, but remain a partial paralytic—I have now an edition of my works in Two Volumes (see Circular herewith) which I have got out here & job & sell myself—(as the publishers positively wont publish me & my agents here in New York during 1873 '4 & '5 regularly embezzled the proceeds)3—I only print small editions, & the price is very high, $5 a Vol: :—but they sell moderately well—it all gives me something to do—&
then the income supports me.
If Trübner & Co: should wish any, the price would be $3.50 a Vol: 4—I send you a copy of Two Rivulets, as a little present, with my best regards—Any thing you meet alluding to me, or criticizing, or that you think will interest me, send me, my friend, when convenient (any real thing—of course don't bother about the flippant & pointless)—Address as at the top of this letter—I find the P O here entirely reliable—
Walt Whitman