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Walt Whitman to Josiah Child, 17 December 1882


Real thanks for your thought & deed in sending me "Nineteenth Century" criticism—you have probably seen my new prose jumble, "Specimen Days" but I forward you, (same mail with this) a special family copy different from the general edition—The other copy accompanying it, would you do me the favor to see if you can find G C Macaulay, the writer of criticism in the N C—& send to him?2 I am now well again as usual—

Walt Whitman  loc.01270.001_large.jpg


  • 1. This post card is addressed: Josiah Child | at Trübner & Co's: | 57 & 59 Ludgate Hill | London England. It is postmarked: Camden | (?) | 17 | 8 PM | N.J.; E 7 | London (?) | Ja (?) | 83. [back]
  • 2. Macaulay's review of Leaves of Grass appeared in The Nineteenth Century, 12 (December 1882), 903–918. Despite some reservations, Macaulay's was a fair and judicious essay; he particularly admired "Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking" and "When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd." [back]
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