431 Stevens Street
Camden New Jersey
Feb: 22 '81
My dear Eustace Conway1
I am sorry I was out when you called—have been hoping you would come
again—Are you going to stay in America? If so I shall be on the look out for
you & trust you will the same for me—
Walt Whitman
- 1. The uncle of Moncure D.
Conway; see Autobiography: Memories and Experiences of Moncure
Daniel Conway (Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company,
1904), 1:38. According to a jotting in Whitman's Commonplace Book, Conway was
associated with Bangs & Stetson in New York (Charles E. Feinberg Collection
of the Papers of Walt Whitman, 1839–1919, Library of Congress, Washington,
D.C.). [back]