I once more take the liberty of sending you a few lines to enquire if you have
received the small Box of Books I sent you on the 8th April per Suttons Parcel
Despatch. I enclose again the list of the contents of the Box. I have been expecting
a letter from you these 2 weeks, and so thought I had better write you again in case
they had not reached you safely, because loc.01449.002.jpg the longer we delay the report of items
not arriving safe, the more difficult it becomes to trace where they may have been
sent to in mistake. I also learn you have written a reply to T. Carlyle's American
Iliad in a Nutshell. If you possess a Copy of it, I would like to have one, also a
copy of the original preface to Leaves of Grass. Not now being in possession of the
original copy of the Poem, I miss the preface from your recent Editions
much.—In fact I regret very much
loc.01449.003.jpg that you have excluded the preface from your recent Editions, and
English Readers would no doubt like to see a Copy of your letter to Emerson on
American Literature, in reply to his letter to you. Copies of Emersons letter I have
sent to several friends of mine here interested in your Poems. Are you ever in New
York? I have at present staying there, if not located there for Life, two friends
from our town. Men that I know would be glad to see you and who would give you some
details of
loc.01449.004.jpg English
Life, Literature, Politics, and [illegible] likewise, and who I should
be glad to hear had seen you, and also became friends of yours. there is a certain
natural talent in them both. one of them has written a few Articles for the Tribune
on Cooperation and Trade's Unions. The new matters here in a Literary way that may
be of interest to Note you is the successful result of the Publication of D. G.
Rossetti's Poems got into the second Edition in 14 Days after first Publication, and
the next is a series of lectures in the Science of Religion by [illegible] appearing in Frasers Mag every month also a great success.
And last not least the public appearance in London of Chunder Sen the Hindoo Theist, who is now greatly sought after by all classes of advanced
thinkers in London.
And through his being here some few advanced thinkers in London (people who admire
your Countryman Theo Parker's Works) are anxious to inaugrate some Body of People who shall publicly carry out and advocate these
teachings amongst us, in fact endeavour to form a Body of Religious People who shall
truly acknowledge in their daily Life and Needs the fellowship and Brotherhood of
all Men, and God the Father of all. One God, and one Religion, and that Religion in
practice each Member trying to do his and her Duty to each other faithfully and
honestly. see Magazine.
loc.01449.006.jpgDuties of Man, the New Gospel to our Time and peoples. In fact in the small
Collection you will find all and more then I can write and tell you about of the
leading ideas and thoughts I sympathize with, and live in hopes of seeing someday
come to pass amongst us all. and Humanity seems fast moving on to that Noble Epoch,
despite the changes and groans of some of them—I myself largely sympathize
with the Quaker teaching No Priesthood, and would fain
know something of your Mind on this Matter, and also of Hicks teachings whose name I
see coupled with yours.