It was very kind of you to send me the photographs of yourself, which I value much. I had previously received one, carte de visite size, from Mr. Rossetti, in which you wear your hat. These I like better, though I liked that.
I will name some of your friends on this side of the water whom I know myself. I wish
I could make it appear how various these natures are which have come into relation
with you. There is my brother (a clergyman) who finds his truth halved between John
H. Newman (of Oxford celebrity) & you. There is Todhunter, (a doctor
a man of science, & a mystic,—a Quaker), he has had a wish to write on the subject of your
poems, & may perhaps accomplish it. There is O'Grady (a barrister, an ardent
nature, much interested in social & political principles), he overflows with two
authors, Carlyle & yourself. There is Cross (a clergyman, the most sterling
piece of manhood I know) he has I daresay taken you in more thoroughly than any of
us, in proportion to his own soundness & integrity of nature. There is Tyrell
whom I named before (a fellow of Trinity College, an excellent Greek scholar). There
is a woman of most fine character & powerful intellect, Miss West, (daughter of
the Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin). She, I hope, will at some time write &
publish the impression your writings have made upon her, as she is at present about
to do in the case of Robert Browning. Then I know
three painters in London, all men of decided genius, who care very much for all you do—Yeats, Ellis
(who has, I believe, in M.S. some study of your poems, which at some time may come to be
printed)—& Nettleship whom Rossetti knows, & who has published a book
on R. Browning. I have been told that Nettleship at one time when "Leaves of Grass"
was out of print & scarce, parted with his last guinea or two to buy a copy.
All I have named, (& I myself may be included) are young, & may, I think, be fairly taken to represent ideas in literature which are becoming, or which will become, dominant.
One think strikes me about every one who cares for what you write—while your
attraction is
most absolute, & the impression you make as powerful as that of any teacher or vates, you do not rob the mind of its independence, or divert it
from its true direction,—you make no slaves, however many lovers.
Should you care to carry out a half intention you had of writing to me direct to
50, Wellington Road,