Friday, Sept. 23.
Dear Pete,
Your letter of last Sunday & Monday came safe—was glad to see you so cheerful
& feeling well, as seemed plain by the tone of the letter. All goes right with me. I am
feeling well, & business matters move along as favorably as could be expected, taking
all things in consideration. The weather is elegant—We had rain here too last Saturday
& Sunday—& since then it has been clear & bright—I am out dashing
around every day—fetch up home every night somewhere between 10 & 1 oclock, quite
tired. The river & bay get more & more beautiful, under these splendid September
skies, the green waves & white foam relieved by the white sails of the crowds of ships
& sail craft—for the shipping interest is brisker this fall than it has been for
twelve years.
Say to Harry Hurt,1 Mr Shedd,2 Pensey
& George Bell,3 Baley Murdock,4
George Smith,5 Dr. & Wash. Milburn,6 or any of the railroad boys, or other friends that may inquire after me, that I send them
my best respects—not forgetting my friends Mr. & Mrs. Nash7—also Father Boyle8—(By the
bye, Pete, I have taken a great fearful drink of whiskey, in honor of the news that arrived
night before last of Victor Emanuel9 entering Rome10—I couldn't wait.)
Later—afternoon—It is now between 3 and 4—I have
been pitching in heavy to a great dish of stewed beef & onions mother cooked for
dinner—& shall presently cross over to New York & mail this letter—shall
probably go to some amusement with a friend this evening—most likely Buckleys
Pete, dear son, I hope this will find you all right, & every thing lovely—It will
not be long now before I shall be back—Till then, take care of yourself, my loving
- 1. Henry Hurt, like Doyle, worked for the
Washington and Georgetown Railroad Company. According to the Washington Chronicle of January 15, 1874, at that time he was the
treasurer of the company. [back]
- 2. Henry Shedd, the driver of the streetcar
(#14) on which Doyle was the conductor. [back]
- 3. The 1869 Directory listed at the same
address George A. Bell, a conductor, and Horace Bell, a messenger. [back]
- 4. Baalam Murdock, a conductor, was mentioned
in an address book: "went to school several years but with little profit"
(Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of Walt Whitman, The Library of Congress,
Notebook #108). [back]
- 5. The 1869 Washington Directory listed
George S. Smith, a driver. However, in an entry dated October 13, 1868, in an
address book (Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of Walt Whitman, The Library of
Congress, Notebook #108), Walt Whitman referred to Smith as a driver on the
Fifth Avenue "stage" in New York. [back]
- 6. J. P. Milburn & Co., druggists:
"Proprietors and Manufacturers of Milburn's Unrivaled Polar Soda Water," and W.
C. Milburn, either the son or the brother of Dr. J. P. Milburn, a druggist
mentioned in Whitman's August 7–10, 1870
letter to Doyle. [back]
- 7. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nash, Washington
friends to whom Walt Whitman referred frequently in his letters to Doyle. Mr.
Nash was an old resident of the city; Walt Whitman's December 5, 1873 letter to Doyle made mention of a speech Nash gave
to the Oldest Inhabitants' Association. [back]
- 8. Perhaps the Rev. F. E. Boyle. An address
book (Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of Walt Whitman, The Library of Congress,
Notebook #109), however, listed an A. F. Boyle of Washington, a journalist.
Whitman mentioned dinner "at a Mr Boyle's" in his September 15, 1863 letter to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman. [back]
- 9. The New York Times of
September 15, 1870, reported that the Papal troops were evacuating various towns
and Papal states. On September 21, 1870, the forces of Italian King Victor
Emanuel II (1820–1878) entered Rome without bloodshed, after "the Pope
forbade any resistance." Victor Emanuel, whose reign had been marked by wars of
Italian unification, established the capital of the newly unified Italy at Rome
on July 2, 1871. [back]
- 10. The New York Times
of September 15, 1870 reported that the Papal troops were evacuating various
towns and Papal states. On September 21, 1870, the forces of Victor Emmanuel
entered Rome without bloodshed, after "the Pope forbade any resistance." [back]
- 11. G. Swayne Buckley's minstrel troupe
appeared in Brooklyn in August 1870 in travesties of operas; George Clinton
Densmore Odell, Annals of the New York Stage (New York:
Columbia University Press, 1927–1949), however, does not record
performances in September 1870. [back]