I have been home to Brooklyn, N. Y. on a visit to my mother, but I am now back here again,
and am well as usual, and working in the same place. Your letter of August 15,
and the letter of Oct. 2, have both reached me, & I was very glad to hear from you & your folks,
& to get such friendly letters. Dear boy, I should like much to pay you a visit,
& to be with you
for a while, & to become acquainted with your father & mother—it would be a real comfort to me,
& I am determined to come one of these days—I often think about it, & about you too,
dear friend, & one of these days we will see each other again.
There is nothing very new in my affairs. I have had quite a pleas-ant summer, & now the fall is here—the past three weeks has been splendid weather here, both days & nights—but to-day there is a heavy rain—looks as if it had set in for a long storm—
—I am living at a boarding house, the same place where you come to see me, but new landlord & landlady2—472 M st.—it is quite pleasant—mostly young people, full of life & gayety—then I go to my work at 9, & leave at 3—so you see it is easy enough—In about three weeks more it will be lively times here in Washington, as Congress is to meet then, & there will be some important questions brought up—but I take all these things very coolly—&, since the war is over, dont allow myself to get excited—
You must write to me often as you can. I shall probably remain here this winter. I wish you to give my love to your father & mother. They do not seem at all like strangers to me.
And now Alfred I must bid you farewell for the present, my loving boy & comrade.—When you write, write to me about the farm, & the farm-life, crops, horses, &c. for I like to hear about such things too.
Walt Whitman.