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Walt Whitman to George Routledge & Sons, 22 February 1868

Messrs. Routledge, (J. L. Blamire)  

Your letter reached me this morning, enclosing draft for Fifty Dollars, gold coin, deposit in Bank of New York—of which amount, paid me, for poem, (with reservation to myself of right to print in future book,) you will please consider this the receipt.2

Please accept my respects to editor & house—with thanks to yourself for promptness.


  • 1. This draft letter is endorsed, "Note to Routledge & Sons N. Y. | Feb. 22 '68." [back]
  • 2. Walt Whitman had initially requested $120 in his January 17, 1868 letter to Routledge and Sons. He lowered his price to $50 in his February 19, 1868 letter. [back]
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