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Walt Whitman to Peter Doyle, [23 (?) October 1868]

Dear Pete,1

Well here I am back again in New York—Have had a pleasant trip down east—went down the bay there after I wrote you last—& also a visit around among the factories of Rhode Island. Some of them are very large—regular little towns. The Spragues, two brothers,2 employ 7000 workmen in their factories alone. Some of the owners are men of immense wealth. I write this early in the forenoon, sitting in my room in 55th street, after breakfast. As to getting my leave extended so that I might stay to vote, I have settled (as I spoke of in a former letter)3 to pair off with a friend of mine here who was going to vote for Seymour, and return on time. The weather is cool & clear to-day. I shall probably not make out much [of] a letter to you this time, Pete, as I feel rather stupid yet this morning. I guess I slept too hard, or perhaps, as they say, I got up wrong end foremost. But I thought I would write one more letter, for the last. I believe it is about the eleventh. I hope you have enjoyed reading them as much as I have writing them—for that, I have enjoyed. You too have done first rate, & have sent me as many as I have you, and good letters too. I am now going out down town, & across to Brooklyn, to spend a few hours with my mother. I don't know whether I told you that my sister with her two young children from St. Louis, arrived the night before I left N. Y. & will stop with mother this fall & winter—her health is not very good.4

I shall return 26th. Take care of yourself. Dear Pete, we will soon be together again.


  • 1. This draft letter is endorsed, "11th letter." [back]
  • 2. Whitman refers to Amasa and William Sprague, manufacturers, first mentioned in his October 21, 1868 letter to Abby H. Price. [back]
  • 3. Whitman announced this intention in his October 14, 1868 letter to Doyle. [back]
  • 4. Walt Whitman wrote at greater length on Martha Whitman's condition in his October 25, 1868 letter to Thomas Jefferson Whitman. [back]
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