I have written so many letters to you dictated by Charles that I feel a painful pleasure in commencing this to you at
this time—knowing that his voice is silent, & that no pleasant message can
come from his lips to you. It is useless for me to tell you how strong his
affection was for you, & how he has looked forward to you coming to NH . I think after your visit to him that his hold on life
seemed to give way and his yearnings were all accomplished. There was a
gentleman Mr John Matthew who was very kind to him once loc.01730.002.jpgin New
York when he was sick he had sent several invitations to him
but he put it off for some reason, & he was the only one of all his friends.
His exit was peaceful, no struggles, a gradual giving way. He used to say—"I
don't believe I can die" when his sufferings were so great—it seemed as if his
release would never come—and although I thought he was likely to die any
time, still I find I was unprepared for his departure & my ambition &
hopes are all crushed. I am feeling most keenly the desolation of widowhood. I
look at my three children & think what a work I have got
left to perform. The duty of
loc.01730.003.jpg & Mother
both merged in one. As far as my means go I am left very dependent—Charley's
protracted sickness exhausting the little he had laid by. I hope I may realize a little from the sale of pictures. I want to
ask you if you could at the distance I live assist me to get some writing or
copying to do. I thought you if anyone might know of something, & you could
perhaps make inquiries—that might lead to my getting some business of that kind—I wish I might. Mr Townsend a dear friend of has sent you a paper with a pleasant article written by
himself. I hope you have red it. I am intending to visit New York soon
& shall try & call upon your
loc.01730.004.jpg Mother. It will be always pleasant to
me hear from you; any
& every association connected with my Husband will be hallowed. The funeral
was Masonic and largely attended & the ceremony at the grave was very
impressive. My Mother from Massachusetts is with me
for a few days and it is a great comfort.
Hoping to hear from you soon
I am very sincerely yr friend Mrs Charles Hine August 4th 1871 No 22 Nash St.