Yours of May 30th was received some time since and I take great pleasure in writing to you again, and in giving you some of the particular in regard to my health, limb situation, &c
My health at present is very good—better than at any time since I left the army for I had considerable sickness during the first two years after coming home
My limb has never troubled me of any account
have worn my artificial nearly all the time since the winter of –'64.
About one year an half ago I went to work in the "State Lunatic asylum" as an attendant, worked there some eight months and was taken sick, the physician told me it was caused by being confined to much, and so I left. I then went to Rhode Island where I had some relatives, last fall I came to albany and when the Legislature convened, obtained a position as watchman—it lasted about three months.
This summer they are having a State – Convention I had a promise
of doorkeeper but they managed it so that I was unable to obtain it. It seems that the President of the Convention instead of appointing the doorkeepers by himself gave the delagates of each Judicial Dist a choice of their apointment (these being about one appointment to each dist) the Secratary of the Convention appointed a man from Oswego Co. as clerk (which being in my dist) threw me out of my position as doortender. I do not know what I shall go to doing now, perhaps something may turn up after a while.
I was glad to learn that Lewis had so good a situation
I was verry neglectful in my correspondance with him and I am ashamed of not writing to him also to Joe Harris but I have one good excuse and that is, as you will verry readily see, a poor writer. During the time that I was in the Hospital in Washington I formed some acquaintances than I can never forget indeed I have thought of them often Mrs Wright, & Hanly. Misses Martin & Lowell and some others were the best women I ever saw and I wish them all the hapiness and prosperity imagineable , there are other ladies to be sure that I feel under many obligations
too, but to these especialy . To you, Joe Harris, & Dr. Bliss I feel deep gratitude more than I can ever repay.
The information that you sent me about some of the comrades was surprising Tobias the dresser that was killed. I have often thought of him and wondered if he came out of the war. I saw Tom Sawyer in N.Y. three years ago.
Cute I think has done remarkably well may he still flourish and perhaps we may yet hear of him as an ornament to the State in which he now so nobly [illegible]
I will now draw this to a close, and may I hear from you again soon. I am a poor writer and cannot furnish anything verry interesting to you to read only so far as my own self is concerned
Remember me to all of my acquaintances and if any of them have any ill will on account of my not writing let them lay it to my inabilities instead of my inclination
Waiting to hear from you again dear friend allow me to subscribe myself
Your humble Friend Hiram Sholes