You will excuse the liberty of an entire stranger's addressing you which is only pardonable under the present circumstances.
I desire to ask your advice to a young man who has selected the field of literature
as that in which he shall labor as to what are the true principles on which a
conscientious writer for the present American public should loc.02001.002.jpg act. What do you conceive to be the true
need of the American people as regards literature and in what way should the young
writer seek to prepare himself for supplying them.—
Should he recur to the Past, and seek in the master's of Antiquity those grand ideas which though used by generations are not
yet exhausted; should he study history and endeavor to gather from experience what
the tendency loc.02001.003.jpg &
need of the world is of the present; shall he study the thinkers of the present, the
Mills', Buckles', Spencers', Tennysons' etc and see what they have gathered as the
results of past & present experiences or finally shall he abandon books
altogether and plunging into the vortex of human life, strive by actual contact with
the people to find what they desire, and how to supply their want
I know no one who is so competent to advise upon this point loc.02001.004.jpg as yourself, and trust you will favor me
with a reply.—I am yet young but have had more experience for my age than many
Desiring to thoroughly understand the work I have undertaken I make these
inquiries—My dearest wish is like Burns'—
"That I for poor Columbia's sake
Some usfu' plan or book might make
Or sing a song at least"—
Charles Frederick Wingate
(1848–1909) would soon being serving as a New York correspondent for the
Republican of Springfield, Massachusetts. In the
1880s and 90s, he became Sanitary Engineer in New York City, delivering lectures
and writing newspaper columns about the city's sanitation practices and