Here I am at my room & haunts in Camden, so different from the creek, & bathing & exercising in the open air2—yet I keep myself busy at one thing & another—& am feeling pretty well so far. (Yet I attribute my feeling pretty well now to my visits for the last year & a half to the creek & farm, & being with my dear friends the Staffords.)
We had a nice healthy ride up from Kirkwood, Mrs S and I, Friday
morning, & I enjoyed it much—(am glad I came up that way, instead of the RR). I went over to your mother's yesterday afternoon about 5½ & staid till after 8—nothing specially new with them—your mother & Bee & Giddy are all well & in good spirits—We had a good tea,—I punished a fearful quantity of good oatmeal mush & stewed blackberries—then we sat & talked for an hour & a half, in the cool of the evening on the front stoop—then a delightful jaunt home to Camden, a most lovely evening (the moon & Jupiter in conjunction, & I speering them all the way home & especially on the river)—
I am partially busy at some writing—feel most first rate for me, to-day—Herb, you will see by the enclosed piece that J. Bur: is in Canada (or en route thither)3—Write to me—
Your old WaltI have written to-day to Mrs Stafford