Your new book
"Specimen days" came to hand this
morning Mother is delighted with
it and so am I. How prettily
you have let the illustrations in,
artistically done, and what a good
thing it is to dispense with the
photographic change. The picture
of your father is jolly: and of
you holding the butterfly is original
and nice. I like the title page,
a return to your old style.
What you say about Millet
is very, particularly, interesting to me.
I always wanted you to see Millets
pictures only I had no idea it ever
could be managed, he is an artist
of the first water. But there are
indications I think that you will
have a Millet of your own in America.
The bits about the Creek are
just delightful to my mind: you
have so impregnated your pages
with the bumble-bee birds,
clover & all those lovely things
at the Creek: I haven't had time to read it all yet.
I suppose the wood at Glendale is developing a charm of its own, I liked it very much: although of course it is not so rich and varied as Kirkwood, the Creek certainly was unique, I have never seen anything like it.
Mother is busy over her life of Mary Lamb—nearly finished. She is well I am thankful to say and so is Gracie, at this moment she is singing, her voice has improved wonderfully.
I have just returned from
Haslemere where I have been
painting a portrait of an old
fox-hunter, such a John Bull
in his scarlet coat and blue
velvet jockey cap, buckskin breeches
etc: You would smile if saw
it—because James Simmions's
has one of those characteristic
faces, wh one at once recognizes
as friends.