I do not know whether you saw a little paragraph in a recent number of the
Critic—in the Lounger's department. I have not seen Dr.
Bucke's book, but I was told that he had done me the honor of
quoting some verses of mine. I was asked whether those verses were written for the
book, or about yourself, and I said
"No—they were published in
the magazine some time ago and were suggested by another writer." I am very sorry
that paragraph appeared as it did, or at
all, as it might look as if I were not a friend and admirer of the subject
of the book.
Are you coming North this summer? I wish you would come and see me at Marion, on
Buzzard's Bay in Mass. If you will give me the slightest encouragement I will try to
get Burroughs there to meet you. Splendid pine woods—good
fishing and
boating—a quiet little whaling village. Think well of it and let me know by
return mail